Evaluation - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

While doing all my research and planning I constantly asked my target audience for feedback. I did this using my fellow students, school friends, family and teachers to get the information I needed to create a good media campaign. I used focus groups, interviews, questioners and used all the data to my advantage. I made changes to my decisions based on their feedback as I wanted my work to appeal to my target audience.
As my project is a marketing campaign. It was essential that I could deliver it to my audience in a way that would make them want to watch it and go look further into it when seeing it on my magazine cover, poster or teaser trailer.

Poster questionnaire
Magazine questionnaire

These questioners were really helpful when deciding things like font type, colour scheme, the basis around the main picture etc. These focus groups and questionnaires. allowed me to involve my target audience and respond to their opinions. Since I had completed my marketing campaign, I conduced further audience research to see if I had achieved my aims.

Post-production of magazine

I asked these questions after I had finished my magazine and altered it in response to their feedback.

1. Can you tell that that thus us a cover of a genre specific magazine? How?
2. Would you buy this magazine?
3. Do you think this magazine would stand out on the shelf? Why?
4. Can you see how the magazine links to other elements of my marketing campaign?
5. Does this film magazine cover look authentic?

After look at the responses of the audience feedback, I was pleased and interested at their answers. Many people said that they felt that the bold, red colour scheme helped them understand that it was a horror specific magazine, however it as still eye-catching and they would still pick it off the shelf to read. They said that the title of the magazine is striking and therefore memorable. They felt tat the font was reminiscent of 'Fangoria' and other genre specific magazine and that the layout itself, with cover lines, banners and the price tucked within the masthead was typical of a genre specific film magazine.
In order to make the magazine better, I got told that the picture could have represented the movie better. If I was to re do it, I would have concentrated more on doing the picture from a wider range of angles however they were still able to identify the link between all 3.
The respondents felt the authentic, commenting on the way I had incorporated all the main conventions, you would have seen on a real magazine such as masthead, date, and issue number, cover lines etc.

I asked these questions after I had finished my poster and altered it in response to their feedback.

1. Is the genre easily recognisable?
2. Does the colour scheme work? Is it reflective of the films genre?
3. Does it look authentic?
4.  Can you see how the magazine links to other elements of my marketing campaign?
5. Would this poster encourage you to see the film?

The first thing that was Immediately recognisable as belonging the horror genre was the dark, muted colour scheme. They also thought the font fitted perfectly for the genre as had been used in multiple films for the thriller/genre for example dream house, and people made the link and instantly understood it was from the thriller genre. Even though some people thought the font was not unique, they were able to understand why it was effective. They thought the tagline's were typical for the thriller genre and suggested the typical narrative. They said they were short and punchy, which made it stick in their mind. They also said involved them and made them feel involved and threatened.
A lot of people said that the dominant image suggested that it was from the thriller genre. This is because the image of the faces merged together made them feel uncomfortable and on edge. It suggested to the audience that something bad was going to happen and thats exactly that we wanted to come across.

1. Does it fee like a real trailer?
2. Would the teaser trailer encourage you to see the film?
3. Can you tell what genre the trailer belongs to?
4. Does the sound and images work effectively together?
5. Have I incorporated the elects you would expect to find in a teaser trailer?

The feedback I got from this was that the trailer gave a big of the narrative away but with held a lot of information as teaser trailers do. I got feedback on the music that effectively displayed the genre and the use of the text being in black introduced the thriller genre into my trailer. They said that mine seemed realistic as it included elements that they would expect to find, such as production company logo at the beginning, images from the film that indicated genre and tagline that appear throughout.
They also felt that the music was typical of a thriller genre as the tempo and pace, created tension and suspense. The editing was also fast pace at the heightening the tension - the felt that the fades were typical of teaser trailers and helped it feel more realistic.

Finally with all the elements of my marketing campaign I asked if they worked well together and they said it was easy to recognise they were all promoting the same film.

I asked some people within my target audience to give me some advice post-production. They stated to me that my genre was very evident, due to the music I chose and the colour scheme throughout my media campaign - (red, black bold wiring) - 
They also stated that they could see consistency throughout the campaign and they could clearly see the link, and if they are to see it in different locations they could make the link. 
One of the people I asked directly told me that the tag liens were very eye catching and influenced them wanting to watch the movie. They said that they evoked an emotion of feeling scared as they were inserted in the correct place in the teaser trailer.
They said there was a clear narrative and you could clearly see where the beginning middle and end stopped and started. The narrative was recognisable and the characters were relatable.


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