Possible locations I have found to film in

When creating my ideas for my thriller,  I wanted to make sure that I had a wide range of places to my trailer which created depth, interest and insight to my thriller.

Ice cream scene
1. In. one part of my trailer there is a montage. The montage shows how the girls become friendly and how they do fun things together, which helps the audience understand how their friendship has grown. One of the possible locations I am filming is in this ice cream parlour. This will be at the end of the montage and will show them possibly having a conversation. This location gives off a fun happy vibe, before it all turns dark and dangerous.

2. Highstreet scene 
This is going to be used in the montage, this will show the progression of their friendship. There will be shots here of them laughing, eating, shopping etc.

Kitchen scene
3. Another possible location is this kitchen. This is going to be used when the girl and her mother are having a conversation about the friend. I think this creates a realistic believable setting. It is going to be used for the mum and and daughter to discuss their friendship.

Door scene and stairs 
4. In this location I am going to have it at night so I am going to make sure I have lights so that what I am filming can be seen. In this part of the trailer, it needs to be seen as more intense so I am going to have to make sure its dark as that will make it more scary. 

Bridge scene 
5.This scene is also going too be used at the end part of the my thriller, where everything is intense. There is going to be some sort of chase. 

Bedroom scene 
6. For this scene I am going to have to cover the whole room with pictures of the girls together and of the normal girl alone. I decided to use this bedroom as it was a good size to cover everything. 


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