Evaluation - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Part 1

I chose to present my research and planning (and my evaluation) in the form of a blog, and in order to do this I set up my blogger account and for youtube so I would be able to upload sound files and videos regularly onto my blog to show my research.

I used blogger, to display my research and planning has had a lot of benefits and advantages. Its very easy to organise and manage. It also allows me to use other devices such as prezi, video clips, links and images. This helped me to enhance the look of my blog and make the reader more interested while accessing the blog.

To film my teaser trailer I used a digital video camera, Panasonic HC-VX98O4K CAMERA. Using a digital camera meant I could take as many shots as I needed and even erase shots that I didn't need. The camera was small and therefore was easy to take around with me wherever I needed to film and the charge a long time. When filming my shots for my teaser trailer,  I made sure that I left at least 5 seconds before and after I finished the shot to make sure I got all the speech in and had enough extra footage if needed.

After I filmed I used the editing software Adobe Premiere Pro, where I as able to upload and arrange the shots to different categories allowing me to edit into the trailer.

After this I began to use my shots and put them in separate editing bins. I had different bins for different elements of my trailer. For example one for music, titles, sounds etc. This was really helpful as therefore I could look at all the shots I needed in a clear way and have access to them at all times. Due to my shot list and my story board I already had the running order and therefore it allowed me to stay on track and create a smoother process while editing.

To edit I opened each shot and trimmed them to where I wanted and then placed them on the first layer of the time line.

The multi track feature in the software allowed me to place each shot onto one layer and all the other elements on other layers.

As I was able to move different elements along the time line the making of my trailer flowed very seamlessly. All the different layers allowed me to use music sound effects.
I used Adobe Audition software to cut down the tracks I picked. The digital technology in post production allowed me to be creative and utilise all the software to create a effective trailer.


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