Questionnaire poster analysis

Most of the results from my questionnaire confirmed that what I had found when researching existing posters for the horror/thriller genre was correct. A lot of people feel that it as appropriate for the thriller/horror genre to have the protagonist and antagonist both on the front cover. This is because they want to see the suspense and tension between the characters.

I then noticed during my secondary research into posters that the colour scheme should be dark colours, to represent the mood and create mystery around the film. This is appropriate as I wanted a dark suspenseful aura around the characters and the poster.
Almost of all of the posters I analysed included a mysterious character and their face sort of hidden and therefore when making mine, I'm not going to make their faces clear and disguise them in one way or another

I have conduced considerable research into the the certificates of horror/thriller films and have found that a lot of them are around 15-18. When decided whether I wanted to 15 or 18 I decided I would go with 15 as this would widen my target audience. When doing my questionnaire a lot of people put that they thought it should be a 15 so more people can see it.

Almost of all the posters I analysed included a setting behind the the characters. Often the majority of the poster was dark but sometimes there was a setting behind. The results were 50/50 so I am going to decide what is better and take a few shots and see what I prefer and what fits better.
When I asked a question regarding whether the font for the name of my film of my film should be lower case or upper case, I had a mixed response. This did tally with what I had found when analysing existing posters from the genre. I think I will try both and see what look more appropriate and reflects the genre better.

The majority of people I questioned regarding release date thought that films from the thriller/genre would be released in the winter. Many of the films those posters I analysed were released during this time and therefore this makes sense to release it during the winter.
With regards to questions I asked about names of stars and tag lines appearing on the poster, almost everybody questioned thought that they should. I have already written my tagline and will include it on my poster. I will also include the names of my two lead actors.

The final question I asked was regarding reviews. Roughly half to the respondents thought reviews should be included on a poster, whereas the other half suggested not. I have decided that I am going to include reviews on my poster for a number of reasons.  I think it sells the film and also contributes to people wanting to see it or not. Also including reviews will give me another opportunity to show my understanding of audience, as I will choose publications that I will be most appropriate for my chosen demographic. However, I will need to see if there is room for them on my poster. I do not want to add them on if it makes it clustered, as may posters I analysed were quite spacious and simple.


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