Evaluation - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

While doing my marketing campaign I thought it as important to make sure their was continuity across all my different media products. I wanted to do this to make sure the audience understand and recognise they were looking at the same film. Also I wanted my images to be similar so they could recognise and look at for my film at different aspects and it would be clear in their minds.

Image - Teaser trailer

Throughout my campaign I tried to make sure that there were consistent elements that made my media campaign stick out and catch peoples attention. For my teaser trailer and my poster I used the same font which instantly ties them together and make people recognise they are from the same film.
Therefore when the are looking at the teaser trailer and poster they can reconsider they belong to the same company. For my magazine cover I decided to use a different font. I used a different font because magazines have their own style and when looking at other media campaigns they used different fonts for their magazines and therefore that led me to understand I needed to as well. Magazines have their own style that is on every single one of their magazines. Film companies do not have much control over what appears one the front cover as they are an independent company with no involvement witch the film. 

When creating my tag lines for my poster, magazine and teaser trailer I had to make sure they had a consistency between them however I couldn't use the same ones on all 3. Even though I could not use the same ones I wanted to make sure they put across the same message and so they would all be associated with the same film which would make it easier for the audience to notice it. 
The point of the tagline is to hint the plot and make the audience interested and want to find out more. 

While creating my poster I needed to figure out what image to put on. The image is one of the most important conventions as its the first thing the audience see and if they are interested in the image its going to entice them to read more about it. 
My image I used in the poster and magazine are different however they are both featuring the same thing. Again this is because they will be associated with each other and make the audience aware they are from the same film 

When creating my billing on my poster and teaser trailer I had to look at the ways in which the cast and crew are set out. 

Billing/credits analysis

I used the same credits/billing one my poster and my teaser trailer. I did not use it on my magazine as it is not a convention for that. 
Some thing that feature on both my poster and teaser trailer do not feature on my magazine. This is because they don't have as similar conventions. For example my teaser trailer ill not have production company logos or billing/credits. It is more likely to have cover lines, review etc.

One thing my teaser trailer, poster and magazine have in common is the release date. I researched when most thrillers were released and I found that the most common time was December, as its winter creating coldness.


Release date


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