Shot list 3

Pink - School
Blue - Park 
Oronge - Highstreet 
Purple - Bedroom 
Green - Car 
Red - Sprinkles  (desert place)
Yellow - Kitchen 
Peach - Door
Violet - Stairs 
Black - Bridge 

  1. Establishing shot school
  2. People walking around 
  3. High angle shot from bridge of traffic
  4. Wide shot of people in class teacher standing at side of the shot 
  5. Wide shot of people in class from the back teacher standing at front (different angles). (deep focus)
  6. Medium close up of a girl in class doodling not paying attention.
  7. Shot of teacher looking at across at student
  8. Wide shot of all kids heads turning 
  9. Tracking shot of new girl walking in 
  10. Medium shot of  of her standing with teacher (she walks into frame) “lets get you settled in straight away why don't you get sit next to…” Obsessed girl moving out of frame. 
  11. Close up of normal girls head looking up 
  12. Medium close up of new girl sitting down
  13. 2 shot of girl sitting down 
  14. Close up of normal girl turning to look and smiling. 
  15. Reaction shot of obsessed girl turning to look and smiling

16. Tracking shot of them walking on the bridge “Its difficult not knowing anyone and coming from a different place, Yeh i understand I've lived here all my life and still feel lonely.

17. Sitting in lounge. Having a conversation - Ive met this new girl …….. 
18. Shot reverse shot 

20. Long shot of them playing on swings
21. Low angle shot of them walking on high street 
22. Tracking shot of them walking into a shop 
23. Wide shot of them watching film in bed room 
24. Medium shot of them working in class 
25. Medium shot of them in car 
26. Conversation on bed
A few more shots

27. Wide shot of them sharing ice cream 
28. Close up of normal girl  pouring
29. Close up of them both eating 
30. Shot reverse shot - Our relationship has been amazing as it has given me a new found confidence
31. Close up of obsessed girl smiling - I hope we will be friends forever and ever and ever 

32. Tracking shot of normal girl walking out school  
33. Tracking shot from the front of the girl walking out smiling laughing 
34. Close up of obsessed girl staring.

35. Long shot of normal girl at school waiting outside 
36. Close up of obsessed girls feet walking 
37. Camera pans up on obsessed girls clothes.
38. Obsessed girl long shot “What do you think”
39. Close up of normal girls face looking creeped out. 

40. Medium close up of mum and normal girl talking 
41. Close up of mum “Why haven't I met your new friend”
42. Shot reverse shot Close up of girls face “She’s being weird” 

43. Wide shot of normal girl walking down street.
44. Long shot of obsessed girl staring.

45. Close up of obsessive girl “where were you last knight”

46. Close up of obsessed girls hand knocking at door. 
47. Close up of normal girls face waking up as she hears the knock
48. Tracking shot of her walking down stairs 
50. Medium close up of normal girl opening door.
51. Wide shot of them both standing there, from both views. 
52. Quick cut conversation “What you doing here its 3 in the morning (confused not angry) I need some space, you cant just show up here. 
53. Shot from behind normal girl closing door. 
54. Shot of them both from either side of the door.

55. Close up of normal girls phone “50 missed calls”
56. Close up of normal girls face

56. Medium shot of normal girl standing in hall way staring at the letter.
57. Close up of letter “Are you mad at me” in red paint
58. Close up of her hands ripping the letter up. 

59. Tracking shot of normal girl walking into her room 
60. Wide shot of obsessed girl standing in there pictures of them together, pictures of just her asleep etc.
61. Medium close up of obsessed girls face “Do you like it I did it all for you”

62. Medium close up of normal gill sitting in kitchen her phone rings “stop calling me” and throws phone. 

Tracking shot of girl walking on high street
Long shot of girl staring behind something hiding 

  • nearly hitting the girl over 
  • Her running with a knife after her 
  • Crazy one sharping a knife 
  • Main character turn around to face something 
  • One shot to suggest the mum in danger 
  • Grabbing phone “Stop calling me” 
  • Jump scare 
  • End someone being stabbed, 
  • Running 
  • Crazy one in front of a mirror weird expression weird lighting 
  • end with girl smiling (nursery rhyme



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